It seems everywhere you look there is information put forward as if it were a fact or a scientifically researched and verified piece of data. This is definitely the case if you read information online about Botox treatment side effects and possible complications.
As with any type of medical procedure, getting the process completed by a licensed cosmetic surgeon is an essential component of any Botox treatment. Doctors know how, where and why to inject Botox and other dermal fillers, unlike unlicensed people who administer this treatment.
Botox Use Prevents Facial Movement
There is a common myth circulating that Botox treatment will lead to a wax-like facial expression. This inability to move the face can include limiting the ability to open the eyes, smile or to even crinkle your forehead.
This is simply not true. While Botox does relax the muscles, it relaxes them from a permanently contracted position, which is what is causing the lines and wrinkles. With the muscles in the normal and relaxed position, facial expressions are entirely normal.
Botox is Harmful as it is a Toxin
Botox is not the same as botulism nor is it a risk to inject it into the skin. In fact, the earliest uses of Botox were in the treatment of neuromuscular spasms dating back to 1949. The actual ingredient or compounds in Botox treatment is a purified protein derived from the actual toxin. It is not the toxin itself and cannot transmit botulism to the person injected.
While many people know Botox treatment is used for cosmetic purposes, they may not know it is also used to cure a wide range of issues. These include migraine headaches, back pain, cramps and tremors, facial spasms and even for temporomandibular joint pain or TMJ.
Long Term Use Increases Risks
As one of the most common cosmetic procedures, Botox treatment can be used again and again without any risk of increasing side effects, permanent muscle damage or changes to the look of the facial features. People can be comfortable in having regular injections of Botox without any long term side effects, and this has been studied for over three decades and with millions of patients.
If you are interested in Botox treatment to remove fine lines, wrinkles, frown lines or more pronounced lines on the face, talk to a qualified cosmetic surgeon. You can also read information on a licensed cosmetic doctor’s website to get the facts on this common and effective cosmetic procedure.
Our licensed, experienced and expert cosmetic surgeons can talk to you about Botox treatment. To learn more call us at Chicago Cosmetic Institute or visit us online at You can also check out our Facebook page for more information.