The problem with vehicles is that you never know when you’re going to get into an accident. Most people in Illinois never think that it can happen to them, though it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be prepared. This state, along with many others, requires you to have vehicle auto insurance, even if it’s just liability. Some loan companies may require you have collision coverage or full coverage for the duration of the loan. Regardless, insurance is a benefit that can save you money and protect your assets.
Protect the Car
Depending on the type you choose, insurance can cover damages to other people’s property and possibly your vehicle. Liability typically covers any damages to other vehicles, property, and people while collision coverage likely covers your vehicle, as well.
Uninsured Drivers
While everyone driving on the road should have insurance, many of them believe they can’t afford it, or the rules don’t apply to them. Therefore, if you get into an accident with someone who has no insurance and you have insurance, your insurer can cover damages and sue the uninsured driver to recoup some of their losses. It’s a win-win situation because you get taken care of, and the other person gets in trouble for not having the appropriate insurance.
Save Money
While you do have to pay for the insurance each month, it can help you save money. If you get into an accident, you may have medical bills and have to get the car fixed or replaced. The insurance covers all or most of the costs for you, ensuring that you don’t go into debt because of one mistake.