Look Years Younger without Surgery with Restylane

by | Jul 2, 2015 | Salons and Spas

Many people struggle with their appearance as they grow older and get more lines on their faces. They may want to lose some weight, firm up their saggy skin, or reduce the number of wrinkles they have. Growing older is something no one can avoid. Everyone ages. While it is true that some people have better genetics and age more gracefully than others, there is now something that can be done for those who want to fight the hands of time. Thanks to state-of-the-art innovations on the medical field, people no longer have to accept that they must look their age. With the use of new procedures and treatments, such as Restylane, people can look years younger.

What can Restylane do?

Restylane is a filler that will plump up the skin and lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It gives the skin a fuller, firmer, more youthful look. It is safe and effective, and does not contain any animal products. Trained professionals inject Restylane into the skin. When it is injected, it is liquid, but it turns into a gel after entering the body. The gel fills in the lines and makes the face look more youthful and supple. It can be used in any area a person wants to erase wrinkles or plump up their skin. Many people have successfully used the product to increase their lip size, giving them fuller, plumper lips. It is also very helpful to get rid of laugh lines and wrinkles around the mouth.

Long-Term Results

Restylane is a very effective filler. It has been successfully used by many patients. One of the best things about the product is that it will last up to six months. It is made from natural materials and will slowly break down and become absorbed by the cells around it over time. When the gel runs out, it can be safely injected again to get the same amazing results. This gives the skin the youthful look that patients desire. The skin will look more youthful and supple after the procedure has been done. Using Restylane is a good alternative to having cosmetic surgery performed. It is much less invasive and will deliver the results that patients desire with minimal effort and cost.

Would you like to look years younger and have a firmer face? Visit Chicago Cosmetic Institute to learn more about our innovative Restylane procedure. You can also check us out on Facebook.

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