Keep Those Pets Healthy and Happy Using a Superior Animal Clinic in Alexandria

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Animal hospital

A pet is often another member of the family and as such, everyone wants them to be healthy and happy. This is true even when they lay in front of the computer and block the keyboard or monitor. Of course, this is mostly to get the attention of their owners and cats are the most common culprit in these actions. Thankfully, there are places like the animal clinic in Alexandria that can help increase the lifespan of these family members, provided they have routine checkups and quick treatment for major problems.

The first thing to consider when getting an animal is vaccinations. There is a core set of vaccines that every vet recommends. For example, the canine should have vaccines for rabies, distemper, and several other nasty diseases while the feline needs vaccines for rabies, feline leukemia, feline distemper and others. How often these vaccines should be applied may also vary, and the best option that the pet owner has is to discuss any requirements with the vet. Asking more questions simply makes it easier to understand how vaccines and animals interact and an experienced animal clinic in Alexandria should be able to provide that information.

Sadly, not all visits to an animal clinic are for minor problems. However, modern veterinary medicine has advanced quite a bit. For instance, treating the Parvovirus used to be impossible. Now, many vets are giving some canines a fifty percent chance of survival and are saving the lives of these favorite animals. Once treatment is finished, it will be up to the owner to ensure the home and property have no remaining virus by removing old bedding and cleaning the area thoroughly.

Perhaps the most important reasons for taking an animal to the vet is spaying or neutering. The primary benefit of this procedure is a reduction in feral animals. However, having an animal fixed also stops some irritating habits. For instance, neutering a male cat should reduce the urge to mark territory. This is incredibly useful when there are multiple males in the home because they tend to compete and constantly mark anywhere they cannot smell their old scent. Visit the website at for more information.

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