Hearing loss isn’t something people like to think about, but it is estimated that one in eight Americans ages 12 years or older have some sort of hearing loss in both ears. This hearing loss can be minor or it can be pronounced. However, with so many different treatments available, a person could regain a portion, if not all, of their hearing, which can go a long way in improving a person’s quality of life.
Some hearing loss is temporary. If a person has an infection that has caused fluid to build up in their inner ears, this could significantly reduce a person’s ability to hear. With time and the right medications to clear the infection, a person’s hearing generally will return in a few days or a few weeks at most.
Noise Damage
Loud noises can cause temporary hearing loss. This may also be accompanied by tinnitus, a dull and constant ringing in the ears. Typically, the damage done to the ears will heal over time and the tinnitus will subside. However, if the noise was loud enough, it could result in a permanent hearing loss.
Permanent Hearing Loss
Age, genetics, or injuries to the ear such as scarring on the eardrum or prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to hearing loss and ear damage that can’t be corrected. However, for people facing this prospect, there is still hope.
Hearing aids can be especially helpful for people experiencing significant Hearing Loss in Allentown PA. Age-related hearing loss or significant damage to a person’s ears may not be corrected with time or medications, but hearing aid devices can be worn to help a person hear better. There are many different devices available, and it may take time for a person to get used to how a hearing aid works, but it can be a tremendous device that can help a person, even with significantly pronounced hearing loss, to be able to hear again.
Hearing Loss in Allentown PA is a serious thing, whether it’s something that will go away on its own or not. That’s why, if you are experiencing any sort of hearing loss, you may want to check out Allen-ent.com to make an appointment with a specialist to get tot he bottom of your hearing loss and what can be done about it.
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