Create a Meaningful and Unique Funeral For Your Loved One With Specialized Mortuary Services

by | Jun 18, 2015 | Funeral Services

You’ve probably been to numerous impersonal funerals where it seemed like the minister speaking barely took the time to get to know anything about the deceased. It had the same hymnals you’ve heard a thousand times and the same old passages read we’ve all come to expect from a funeral. While you may have attended quite a few funerals in the past, all of which seemed similar, the one you plan can and should be unique. Whether you’re planning it for yourself hopefully far in the future or for a loved one, the details you bring to it will make it stand out from all the others you’ve attended.

Whether you want to be cremated or take advantage of the Mortuary Services offered, the details should be written down, so the family knows what you prefer. Additionally, a unique urn or casket should be picked out, taking the decision-making a process out of the family’s hands. If you are the family and making this decision, don’t worry about whether the decision you’re making is the right one or if the rest of the family is going to approve. You’re the one making the decision, and there is no right or wrong. To personalize the Mortuary Services, be sure to select a special outfit for the deceased to wear if the service will feature an open casket. However, don’t be afraid to make the hard decision to leave the casket closed and go instead with a enlarged, framed picture of the loved one.

Set up a table in the visitation room or at the front of the chapel with some items the loved one enjoyed; perhaps some memorabilia from their favorite football team, the score card from their 300 bowling game or the signed autograph they treasured. Put up a photograph board with various pictures of the loved one at different stages of their life, with as many different people as possible, especially those who are likely to be attending the funeral.

The staff at Crown Hill Funeral Home and Cemetery can offer a number of other unique suggestions on how to make this service different from the others you’ve attended and help you plan out each and every detail. Give them a funeral that both honors and celebrates their life, sharing their story in a meaningful and engaging fashion. You can follow them on Twitter.

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