Wholesale handbags and jewelry make up a major part of the wholesaling industry. When shopping for these items, there are many things you need to know. With such a wide selection, it is easy to get ripped off.
Wholesale handbags first become a phenomenon when Chinese knock-offs flooded the markets on eBay back in the early 2000’s. Buyers would fall for their dubious listings, expecting authentic products at discounted prices. Some got a good deal, while others were taken for a ride.
The one thing we all learned from those times was the importance of verifying authenticity of both wholesale handbags and jewelry before buying. There are now guidelines in place for buying handbags on eBay, keeping buyers from, once again, being robbed of their money. While this is beneficial, few truly understand how they can safely shop for wholesale goods online.
Before you start shopping around, ask yourself this…
Why are you buying wholesale handbags and jewelry?
If your intentions are to provide designer products at affordable prices, you need a very good wholesale provider. The products need to be verifiable as authentic. The company needs to be well-reviewed, but yet not popular enough to be their own retailer.
It’s not easy to break into the wholesale industry; at least, not when it’s for quality goods.
Are you okay with lower quality products?
The best way to get wholesale handbags and jewelry at a good rate is by sacrificing a little in the quality department. Jewelry is hard to skimp on as it’s usually devalued by the material, but this doesn’t stop you from making a pretty penny on pretty jewelry. Of course, handbags often sell for how they look and this is something where the book could be worth $0, but the cover makes it look priceless.
How can you cut corners to save more?
After finding a supplier for wholesale handbags and jewelry, take the time to see how you can further your savings. Scheduling your wholesale orders differently is potentially beneficial as it can provide more capital at once, allowing you to save by buying in higher quantity.
Waiting to restock on inventory, when permissible, gives you the chance to wait for sales and promotions at your preferred wholesaler. If any come up early, creating a substantial lower dollar cost average for products you regularly buy, then it may actually make more sense to fast-forward your order.
Buying wholesale handbags and jewelry doesn’t have to be a pain. It can be a simple process, but you need to find the right wholesale partner such as website. Not every website with wholesale in its name is a good source, so tread carefully. You will know when you found the right wholesaler, from the very first order.