What Is A Cataract in Appleton WI All About?

by | Jul 30, 2018 | Eye Care Center

A person might know that a cataract in Appleton WI isn’t a bad condition, but they might not know why. Cataracts can affect both people and their pets. If a pet gets a cataract, it might make the pet’s owner start to think about their eye health and if there is anything they can do to prevent cataracts.

Risk Factors

Anyone who is concerned about developing a Cataract in Appleton WI has to understand the risk factors involved with cataracts. As an individual age, the proteins that make up the lens of the eye can begin to bind together and cause problems. As such, advanced age is definitely a factor when it comes to cataract development. That means getting frequent eye examines as a person gets older. Catching the condition early helps with treatment.

More Risk Factors

Advanced age isn’t the only risk factor when dealing with cataracts. If a person spends too much time in the sun without eye protection, they are more at risk of developing cataracts. Some people make the mistake of not wearing eye protection or sunscreen during the winter months. Understand that the sun can still damage the eyes and the skin during the winter. Smoking also increases the chance of developing cataracts. Diabetes is another condition that increases the potential for cataracts. Click here to find out more.


There are some symptoms of cataracts that are very noticeable. When cataracts start to form and progress, driving at night might become much more difficult. Night vision, in general, will suffer greatly when cataracts form. A person might find that their eyeglasses aren’t really working anymore. Another symptom if being extremely sensitive to light. Although all of these symptoms could mean something else that isn’t as serious as cataracts, it’s important to get checked out just to be on the safe side.

Taking care of the eyes is important. When people are young, sometimes they don’t think about how things might affect them later in life. Choices that people make like smoking, too much sun exposure, and eating habits can impact their long-term health and put them at a greater chance for developing cataracts later in life.

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