When you run water through your sink or flush your toilets, that water and that waste runs into your septic tank. Once in the septic tank, it separates into three layers. The wastewater separates into a top layer of oils and fats, a bottom layer of solid waste, and a middle layer of wastewater. There are microbes inside the septic tank that begin to decompose the waste in your septic tank. In essence, your septic tank is a big compost bin full of bacteria, fungi, and the things that they feed on.
Once the three layers are separated, the middle layer of water leaches into the soil in the drain basin. In the drain basin, it is filtered through some other material and the composting is finished with microbes. However, this tends to be anaerobic decomposition, which is decomposition in the absence of oxygen. Aerobic septic tank services can change your septic system into oxygen-based decomposition.
Aerobic Decomposition
Aerobic decomposition, which is decomposition that takes place in the presence of oxygen, is the most efficient form of decomposition. This is the decomposition that occurs in a well-maintained compost pile. It is not inherently smelly, it does not attract pests, and it occurs fairly energetically. If you want your septic tank to compost as quickly as possible to clear itself out and to feed your yard, you need aerobic septic tank services.
You can see an overview of aerobic septic tank systems at texasprideseptic.com. If you are looking for a way to improve the decomposition of your septic tank, aerobic upgrades could be appropriate.
Aerobic septic upgrades will help improve the health of your drainfield as well. The drain field is where your septic tank drains into sand or other materials that filter the wastewater. If you use aerobic septic services, the composting will happen much more quickly to benefit your yard.