Tips To Follow For New Dentures In Kona

by | Jan 23, 2015 | Dentist

Many people dread getting dentures because of the negative stories they have heard from other denture wearers. Some denture wearers even admit that they rarely wear the dentures because they are uncomfortable and painful. However, it’s important to remember that the majority of people who wear dentures are very happy with them and don’t experience any problems with them. Therefore, if you’re planning to get dentures and are a bit leery about getting them, there are a few tips that you can follow to make sure you’re happy with your Dentures in Kona.

When you get dentures, you should wear them for at least twelve to fourteen hours per day. Keep in mind it may be tempting to take your dentures out because your gums are sore, but if you take them out frequently, your gums won’t become accustomed to having them in. Plus, most people find that any soreness goes away within two to three weeks. Also, you should never sleep with your dentures in. Sleeping in your dentures will make it easier for bacteria to grow in your mouth and increase your risk of gum infections.

After getting dentures, some people say they struggle to eat. Therefore, when you first get dentures, you should eat soft foods and gradually start eating things like chips and raw vegetables. Also, eating slower and cutting the foods into smaller pieces can make it easier to chew. Some people also notice changes in their facial appearance after getting dentures. Keep in mind this type of change is often minimal and painless, as well.

When you get new dentures, it often takes some time to get accustomed to wearing them. However, if you are patient, you will find that getting dentures can be a positive experience. If you’ve decided it may be time to get Dentures in Kona, you should visit a dentist right away. If you don’t have a dental provider you see on a regular basis, schedule an appointment with Carter S. Yokoyama D.D.S. today. The office is currently accepting new patients and is happy to help you with all your dental concerns. Visit website for more information.

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