Tips on Keeping Your Singing Voice Healthy

by | Oct 24, 2014 | Arts Gallery & Entertainment

For many singers that are new to the game, a healthy voice is something that they take for granted and also something they neglect. The only way to make sure that your voice stays healthy is by taking measures to protect it and keep it in good working order. Neglecting to properly take care of your instrument can lead to your damaging your voice or even losing it altogether. By making sure that you take care of your voice, you will be able to use it for a long time to come. Here are a few tips to use when trying to take care of your voice.

Hydration is Key
One of the most important factors in keeping your voice healthy is staying hydrated. The best way to make sure that your vocal chords stay hydrated is by getting a steamer, which provides heat and moisture to your nasal system. In most cases, being in a recording studio can put a strain on a singer’s voice due to the cold that is present there. Prolonged exposure to these types of conditions can cause a lot of damage to your voice, so be sure to compensate with the heat for your vocal chords.

Avoid Alcohol Consumption
Another important thing that you need to do when trying to keep your voice healthy is to avoid drinking or smoking before you go on stage. The alcohol will only serve to throw off of your sense of timing and pitch, which could lead to a poor performance. The last thing that you want to do is to let your audience down due to drinking a few beers before the show. Be sure to drink plenty of water before the show to make sure your vocal chords are well lubricated and ready for the performance.

Vocal Exercises
When trying to make sure that your voice stays in top condition, you need to do vocal exercises as much as you can. This will help to keep your voice in practice of hitting the right notes and in being stressed while singing. You need to work with a vocal coach to make sure that you are doing the right exercises for your particular range. The more you know about what you need to be doing for your voice, the easier it will be to keep your instrument in great condition.

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