The Many Ways in Which Eye Exams can Benefit You

by | Jan 29, 2016 | Eye Doctor

When a person has difficulty seeing like they used to, they typically feel like an eye exam is necessary. This is usually a situation where their eyesight may have deteriorated to the point to where they need glasses. However, regular Eye Exams are a good thing, even if a person hasn’t noticed any deterioration. The fact is that the average eye exam is more than just a clever way for an ophthalmologist or an eyeglass retailer to sell a person a pair of glasses.

The first thing to understand about the average eye exam is that if a person needs corrective lenses, this is the best way to determine that. Whether a person is having difficulty seeing things close-up, far away or perhaps a combination of both, an average eye exam is going to be able to determine what sort of eyesight deficiencies exist and what prescription will be needed to correct the problem.

However, eye screenings, which a person can inquire about at, are something everybody should think about. Not only do they help determine if a person needs corrective lenses, or if a person’s current prescription needs to be changed, but they also help determine the overall health of a person’s eyes. The fact is that there are a number of different degenerative eye diseases, such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy that show absolutely no outward symptoms in their early stages. In fact, the only way to detect these types of degenerative eye conditions is through a regular eye exam.

Another interesting thing that signifies the importance of an eye exam is that through these exams, an ophthalmologist can determine other potential health risks. Risks, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and sometimes even diabetes can be spotted through a standard eye exam.

The fact is that regular Eye Exams, whether you’re wearing glasses or not, is a good idea. From childhood all the way through adulthood, these exams can be extremely beneficial, not only to the health of your eyes but to your overall health as well. Whether it’s spotting the need for corrective lenses or catching an eye disease or another medical condition in its early stages, an eye exam may be more important than you had possibly realized.

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