Smile Restoration Can Be Achieved Through Cosmetic Dental Care Service in Garden City NY

by | Jul 22, 2015 | Dentist

There are many reasons a person may seek smile restoration services. When people have severe stains, gaps between their teeth, damages and malformations, they are often not happy with their appearance. With cosmetic dental care service in Garden City NY, a person’s smile can be fully restored through dental veneers placed over the teeth. These veneers hide any types of cosmetic concern, so a person’s smile looks perfected.

Dental veneers offer two different types to cover a person’s smile. Porcelain veneers are considered the premium choice because they are longer lasting. These porcelain shells are made specifically for the patient, so the shell completely covers the teeth. Veneers are generally placed on all of the front teeth for the most natural look.

To prepare for these veneers, the dentist will first need to make impressions of the teeth so they can be sent to the dental lab for the veneers to be made. While waiting for the veneers, the dentist will work to make sure the teeth are properly prepared through a shaping process that removes a small amount of tooth tissue. Finally, the veneers will be able to be adhered in place so they can provide a beautiful smile for as long as twenty years before needing to be replaced.

Resin veneers are another option for restoring a person’s smile. This option is less expensive than porcelain, but it does not usually last as long and is more prone to damage. Resin veneers are placed in layers and then smoothed and polished, so the result looks just like natural human teeth. These veneers will last between five and ten years, depending on how well they are cared for.

With either type of veneer, it is crucial a person takes care of their teeth and avoids biting down on hard food or non-food items since these can damage the veneer. Cracked and damaged veneers will need to be repaired to avoid tooth damage and to restore the beauty of the smile.

Those in need of cosmetic dental care service in Garden City NY should contact the office of Dr. Grossman right away. He provides patients with the general and cosmetic dental services they need so their smiles can be healthy and beautiful.

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