Looking for Landscape Designers in Randolph NJ?

by | Jun 16, 2016 | Landscaping

Often when homeowners want to improve their yard, they will find that working with Landscape Designers in Randolph NJ will lead to the best results. Once homeowners have decided what features are needed and landscaper designers have figured out the best way to implement these features, work can begin on transforming the yard. Here are some of the most popular design options.


When a yard needs more color to truly bring it to life, flowers are generally the best choice. Whether in large gardens or small flower beds, flowers are a beautiful addition to any property. They can also be used in other ways, such as to line a path. Landscape designers will be able to help homeowners choose the ideal flowers for their yard. Once the flowers have been planted, homeowners will enjoy seeing how colorful their yard has become.


The right lighting can make a significant difference in a yard at night, both in how it looks and in how functional it is for outdoor activities. For those who like to have regular parties in the backyard, good lighting will be essential. Lights can assist with setting the mood, and they are also necessary for illuminating steps and other areas.


Many people enjoy having a swimming pool in their backyard. During warm weather, a pool can be a fun place to gather around at a party or to relax at after a long day at work. Parents may also find that a swimming pool is ideal for getting their children off the couch, since playing in the water is good exercise.


Another thing to keep in mind when considering a landscape design is if there are areas of the yard that currently have a problem of any kind. For example, a hill might have trouble with erosion, and some small changes, such as a retaining wall, could help to prevent future erosion from happening. A good drainage system may be quite useful as well. Restoring a lawn is another option that can do a lot to make a yard look its best.

By working with Landscape Designers in Randolph NJ to create the ideal plan for transforming the landscape, homeowners can get the most out of their yard.

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