Is A Standby Generator For You?

by | Jan 13, 2016 | Electric

It is a sad fact but the US power grid is suffering from lack of attention, Hurricane Sandy certainly brought that to everyone’s attention. There is no doubt that a standby automatic generator can provide power during these emergencies but is a generator a good investment?

A standby Guardian automatic generator in Elmhurst is a great solution to extended power outages. Unlike a portable generator, a standby generator is mounted permanently on a concrete base outside the house, when called upon they provide reliable power for days on end. Whereas a portable gen set is connected to your home when necessary by little more than an extension cord, a true standby generator is connected directly into the house circuitry. A portable generator is usually powered by gasoline which runs out; a standby generator is powered by an endless supply of natural gas or LPG. A portable generator will provide power to one or two outlets while a standby generator can power the entire house if big enough.

The “smarts” behind a Guardian automatic generator in Elmhurst is the automatic transfer switch. Under normal conditions the switch is set to allow the house to run off the grid, in the event of a power interruption the switch instantly detects this and switches over, the generator starts to operate and its power is now used to run the home.

When the municipal power supply is restored the system works in reverse. The switch shuts the generator down and reconnects the house to the grid. The operation is seamless; the homeowner does not even have to be around for this to happen which makes it ideal if there is someone in the home who relies on a steady source of power for powered medical apparatus. Not only does the switch instantly change from one power source to another, it prevents feeding power back into the grid upon resumption of the municipal power supply, this situation is the cause of fires.

There may be a couple of minor drawbacks, they can be noisy and they must be installed some distance from the house and they must be installed and maintained by professionals. Only a professional can assess the load need based on your explanation of what devices are important to you, the same technician is the best individual to make the installation; it requires considerable skills in electrical installation as well as plumbing for the gas supply.

A Guardian automatic generator in Elmhurst will work for many years, supply continuous power regardless of how long the grid failure is. To learn more, you are invited to contact Penco Generators, Inc.

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