How To Handle A Dental Emergency In Roseburg, Oregon

by | Jul 14, 2016 | Dentistry

A Dental Emergency Roseburg Oregon can range from a throbbing toothache that just won’t quit to a lost or cracked tooth from some type of trauma. It may be obvious that this is strictly a dental emergency or there may be bodily injuries as well that need emergency medical care. It can be difficult to know just what to do.

When to Head to the Emergency Room

When there is trauma to the face severe enough to knock out a tooth, there may be other injuries that need to be seen by a doctor. If in doubt, go to the ER but also call your dentist to discuss the situation.

Go to the Hospital if You Have:

      *     Difficulty swallowing or breathing — this could be life-threatening

      *     A fractured or dislocated jaw

      *     Serious injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth

      *     An abscess with severe swelling

      *     A compromised immune system or a chronic and serious illness

      *     A sudden impact to the neck or head

      *     Severe bleeding and swelling and/or sudden pain

Call Your Emergency Dentist for Dental Problems Including:

      *     Knocked-out Tooth: Try to place back in socket, but don’t touch the root. If that doesn’t work, keep tooth moist by placing in a small container of milk. This is a dental emergency in Roseburg Oregon that needs immediate treatment to try to save the tooth.

      *     Cracked Tooth: Rinse mouth with warm water. Use cold compresses to limit facial swelling.

      *     Partially Dislodged Tooth: Apply a cold compress to face over area and take Tylenol, Advil or similar pain reliever.

      *     Pain caused by a Lost Filling, Wisdom Tooth or a Cavity: Rinse mouth with warm water and try to remove any bits of stuck food with dental floss. Use a cold compress on the outside of the face to reduce swelling.

      *     Abscesses Without Severe Swelling or Fever: An abscess is an infection at the roots of the teeth and must be treated. Temporarily, rinse mouth with mild solution of salt and water several times a day.

      *     Lost Filling: For a temporary fix, use over-the-counter dental cement or stick a bit of sugarless gum into the cavity. Don’t use gum with sugar as this will be painful. Visit dentist as soon as possible.

For a Dental Emergency Roseburg Oregon, call the Harvard Dental Group. Some situations need immediate treatment. You can trust these experienced dentists to know what to do.

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