How Family Planning Services in Washington, DC Can Help a Young Couple

by | Dec 5, 2015 | Family Planning Center

Newlyweds who are just starting a life together often like the idea of kids, but not anytime soon. They want a little time to themselves before they take on the responsibility of parenthood. That is where seeking some help from one of the Family Planning Services Washington DC, comes into play. Here are some of the ways that the right service can provide support.

Discussing Birth Control Options

One of the ways that all Family Planning Services Washington DC, provide help to their clients is providing information on different kinds of birth control solutions. While the couple has likely heard of all the options in the past, they may have some misconceptions about the reliability of each of those possible choices. With the aid of a professional, it is possible to explore the effectiveness and any possible side effects associated with each approach. Armed with reliable information, the couple can make a more informed decision about what to use.

Timing the Start of a Family

The counseling can also help the couple refine their idea of when the right time would be to start a family. Perhaps the plan is to have enough money set aside for a down payment on a home first. Maybe the goal is to be more firmly entrenched in a career before any kids come along. Whatever the couple views as being essentials before they start a family can be identified. Having those matters settled and agreed upon can help the couple develop a timeline that is a good fit for both of them.

Fertility Issues

For couples who have decided the time is right to start a family but seem to be having trouble conceiving, a family planning service can also provide support. That includes helping to arrange testing for both parties or exploring alternative if it turns out the couple cannot have children on their own.

For any couple who needs help deciding when, and even if, starting a family is viable, talk with the team at Metropolitan Family Planning Clinic today. After spending a little time talking with a professional, it will be much easier to know what needs to be done for the couple to achieve their desired goal.

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