Hire A Roofing Contractor In Frankfort IL For Your Next Roofing Project

by | Jul 1, 2016 | Roofing

Unless you’ve had a lot of damage to your roof, you probably haven’t given your roof much consideration. The roof on a building is meant to protect the inside from the elements and help to regulate the air flow in a home. Attempting to inspect your roof from the ground will not be adequate enough to find all of the leaks or cracks in a roof’s surface. For example, around any openings like a chimney or ventilation pipe, the sealant can become dry and crack. This permits water to travel under shingles and cause damage to the roof surface.

If a shingle is missing, most homeowners do not have extra shingles to replace a missing one, and even if they do, they aren’t usually educated on the proper way to install the shingle. A Roofing Contractor in Frankfort IL can match the current roof’s shingles to replacement ones. If the damage is severe, the contractor will temporarily place a tarp over the roof to eliminate the chance for any further damage. In addition, they are trained to detect soft spots in the wood or trusses. A proper inspection must include a trained roofer to physically climb on the roof and inspect it closely.

Roofing companies that are not very reputable will tell a homeowner they can save money by shingling over the existing roof. This is not recommended due to the weight of the roofing materials. A Roofing Contractor in Frankfort IL may recommend tearing off the old shingles and replacing them with new ones if the damage is extensive or the shingles are no longer protecting the structure. It’s important to work with a company that’s been in business within the community and not a company that’s just there to make a quick profit. Regular maintenance on a roof will help to extend the life of the roof and is usually needed for warranty coverage.

Keep your home safe and dry throughout the year with proper maintenance and repairs on your roof. Don’t wait until water spots start showing up inside to decide to contact a roofing contractor. By the time water has entered the inside of a home, there is usually insulation and sheetrock damage. In addition, mold can develop within 24 hours of a water leak. You can click here to click here to learn more about roofing.

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