Helping You Find The Best Dog Boarding In Corvallis OR

by | Nov 27, 2015 | Pets

Choosing the best dog boarding in Corvallis OR isn’t that hard to do if an individual knows how to prepare. Taking a tour of the place the dog will be staying is one of the best things a dog owner can do. When it comes to touring boarding kennels, people shouldn’t wait until the last minute. If packing is on a dog owner’s mind, certain details might be missed while looking around the boarding kennel. Visiting a few places for comparison reasons is a good idea. This is especially true for those who have never been inside kennels before.

Another thing that dog owners have to take note of when selecting a place for Dog Boarding in Corvallis OR is how well they communicate with the employees. People shouldn’t expect employees to be mind readers. If a dog has special needs, those needs have to be communicated to the staff. Since a lot of quality boarding places now have a strong web presence, sending an email with a list of special needs can be done. Pet owners can like the ‘browse our website’ links on a kennel’s website to find contact information. A dog’s needs can also be written down on a piece of paper and given to employees in person. It’s best to write down the needs and verbally communicate them. By doing things that way, it’s less likely that there will be any communication breakdowns.

Dog owners should understand that their dogs might get nervous while staying at a boarding kennel. It’s a new place with different people and animals. In order to make a dog feel more comfortable, people should bring the foods that their dogs like. It’s usually not necessary to bring a large bag of dog food. Food can be placed in sealed containers and given to the employees. Another thing that dog owners can do is to bring the toys that their dogs like to play with at home. If a dog has a favorite blanket or doggy bed, the item can also be brought to the kennel. Most kennels will want pet owners to bring things from home since it usually makes dogs behave better. Also, people should leave a contact number so they can be reached if an emergency happens while they are away.

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