For Legal Help, Call the Lawyers in Scranton PA

by | Jul 12, 2016 | Legal Services

It’s natural for the accused to get angry, afraid, intimidated, and simply despondent when arrested for a DUI, having drug paraphernalia, or abusing a friend or family member. Most people get very angry with themselves because they know they should have had the ability to calm down, instead of fighting. Now, they know they should have stopped drinking at the party. The law is very straight forward when it comes to DUIs since so many innocent people are killed by a person who has been drinking or taking drugs. Many lives are destroyed, including the person who’s being arrested.

There are thousands of cases needing the representation of one of the Lawyers Scranton PA has available. Not all of them are unhappy, though. Many attorneys work with families that want to adopt a child, or have their own child with help from a surrogate. Attorneys make sure all legal aspects of adoptions will hold up in a court of law. No family wants to adopt or have a child for six months and then have it taken away from them due to a glitch in the documents.

John T. O’Malley Attorney At Law offers many different solutions for clients who need estate planning, a Last Will and Testament, powers of attorney, and creations of trusts that will ensure a client’s assets are distributed the way they want. For clients, being able to fully trust their attorney is especially important to them. They want to be sure that everything is in order when they pass away.

When a loved one does pass away, children can receive their inheritance much more quickly if the parent had one of the lawyers in Scranton, PA has available help them with will planning. They can protect the family’s wealth and ensure that estate taxes are as minimal as possible. Even those clients who feel their possessions are of little value can leave written instructions for distributing possessions making sure each chosen family member receives them.

Divorce is another area of law that requires extreme care and representation, especially when children are involved. Parents who are often so upset they can’t think properly, gain peace of mind by hiring an attorney who will explain what’s happening during this extremely stressful situation.

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