Dog Vaccinations Protect Humans Too

by | Jun 2, 2016 | Veterinarians

There is no greater addition to a family than a pet. However, a dog or cat that’s not vaccinated is at risk for many serious illnesses that might have dire consequences. Just like children need preventative shots to keep them healthy, so do the animals we choose to bring into our homes. Dog Vaccinations can help a dog to live a long happy life by protecting him from dangerous diseases such as parvo, distemper, rabies and leptospirosis.

Dogs and cats are not immune to all deadly diseases. It’s a pet owner’s responsibility to make sure that animals in his care receive the proper vaccinations to guard against the most serious ailments. Core vaccinations should be given early in a pet’s life, or when a veterinarian feels it’s the best time for a particular animal. Puppies should receive core Dog Vaccinations that give protection against rabies, parvo, distemper, leptospirosis, hepatitis and bordetella. It is suggested that kittens be given core feline vaccinations that immunize against rabies, feline distemper, feline calicivirus and feline viral rhinotracheitis. Once the core shots have been administered, booster shots may be necessary over time to maximize the efficiency of the initial inoculation. Any questions regarding the advantages or disadvantages of booster shots should be discussed with the pet’s veterinarian prior to any booster shots being given.

For pets needing vaccinations and other services in the Fairfax Station, VA area, a visit to Crosspointe Animal Hospital can take care of all their needs. This clinic offers a full array of services that include well care, vaccinations, dentistry, grooming, boarding and emergency care. They even offer house calls for pets that find it too stressful in an office environment. The veterinary staff goes above and beyond to provide compassionate care for all animals, while taking a proactive approach to keeping them healthy throughout their lifetime.

Many people do not realize the importance of having a pet vaccinated. Some diseases that an unprotected animal contracts, such as leptospirosis and rabies, may be passed on to humans with serious outcomes. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that must be treated with antibiotics if a person contracts it, while rabies requires a series of painful shots to remedy the situation. If a human contracts rabies from an infected animal and does not receive treatment, death will occur. Having a pet immunized not only protects the animal receiving the vaccinations, it also protects his human companions too. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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