Dog Attack Cases Managed By An Injury Lawyer In Live Oak, FL

by | Jan 10, 2018 | Personal Injury

In Florida, dog attacks are likely when a pet owner fails to maintain control over the animal. Local laws require the pet owner to follow leash laws and enclosure requirements that mitigate common risks. An Injury Lawyer in Live Oak FL provides help for victims who were attacked due to the pet owner’s failures.

Statute of Limitations for Dog Attacks

The statute of limitations in the state of Florida is four years for dog attacks. The victim must start a claim before the fourth anniversary of the attack. Typically, the victim should start their claim as quickly as possible. By starting the claim soon, the victim won’t have to worry about a forfeiture of their rights.

When are Strict Liabilities Used?

A strict liability is used when the pet owner has knowledge of dangerous or aggressive behavior patterns. Any report of previous attacks could provide evidence of the pet owner’s knowledge of the dog’s temperament. A strict liability provides the victim with additional awards based on the owner’s knowledge of aggression and a failure to take action to stop an attack.

What Defenses are Used to Fight a Personal Injury Claim?

The most common defense is the indication that the victim was breaking the law prior to the attack. The victim will need a legitimate reason for being on the property. They need either an invitation or permission from the owner, or the victim must have authority based on their job description. If not, the victim could be guilty of trespassing.

Does a Comparative Fault Apply?

It only applies if there is evidence that the victim played some role in causing their injuries. Upon the discovery of any implication that the victim played a role in their attack, the court reduces their monetary award. However, if the animal was provoked or abused prior to the attack, the victim won’t receive any monetary award.

In Florida, dog attacks could lead to serious injuries as well as fatalities. All dog owners must vaccinate their dogs for rabies and maintain control over their animals proactively. Victims of a dog attack can contact an Injury Lawyer in Live Oak FL by visiting right now.

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