Choosing the Right Tanning Lotions for Tanning Beds

by | Jun 30, 2016 | skin care

Many people use tanning lotions for tanning beds so they can achieve their desired tan. Tanning beds emit strictly UVA rays. It is believed the rays reach deeper into skin cells to create a golden tan. However, the do not increase chances that skin will burn.

Though there are various forms of tanning lotions for tanning beds, it can be difficult to decide which one is best. There are no lotions available that will cause an increase in skin safety corresponding with tanning bed use. However, there are a lot of lotions that will help someone to achieve the exact look they want.

There are many moisturizing lotions available including:

  • Bronzers
  • Tingles
  • Accelerators
  • Maximizers
  • Facial Tanners

Each of these products has its own features that can assist in achieving a desired look.

Bronzers are a popular item on the market today. It is not unusual to find these items mixed with accelerators. While they work to speed up a person’s tan they also having a bronzing effect. They provide a tint to the skin that provides a fake tan look.

A couple of products which are not for the sensitive would be tingles. These cause increased blood circulation. This increase in blood flow causes your skin to actually tan faster. This is a wonderful benefit but should be used with caution as this also means that skin can start to burn quicker.

Accelerators are mainly used to provide moisture to the skin while a person tans. It provides moderate tanning benefits to skin that is sensitive or to someone that is new to using tanning beds.

Once a person has a base level tan, he or she might consider advancing to using a maximizer. They are a good choice for individuals who are looking for a deeper tan or to maintain the base level they have already achieved.

When it comes to the face, this is an area of the body where the skin is more sensitive. There are specific products that have been developed for this area of the body. Facial tanners are commonly used because this is an area of the body that usually burns quicker than others.

Always have the proper protection of your skin in mind when choosing tanning lotions for tanning beds.

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