A Personal Injury Attorney in Gig Harbor May Help a Dog Bite Victim

by | Nov 8, 2016 | Personal Injury Attorney

Whether it was caused by the dog next door or a friend or relative’s pet, an animal bite can cause long-term medical problems. Depending on where the animal bit and the health of the dog at the time it attacked, a victim can easily watch their medical bills mount quickly. When the dog belonged to someone the victim knew, they might feel bad about suing them for compensation. However, in most cases, the dog owner has insurance and they probably won’t suffer any personal losses related to the accident.

It’s important for anyone who is bit by a dog to get treatment immediately and to be honest with the medical professionals as well as any authorities who might ask questions about the accident. Most people have no way of knowing whether the dog that bit them has been involved in similar incidents. It’s possible this dog has a tendency to bite and should have never been allowed around strangers. A personal injury attorney in Gig Harbor may be able to get to the bottom of the issue and help a client determine the best course of action.

Dog bite victims sometimes suffer pain for quite some time after the injury. They may also have emotional problems related to the incident that could make it difficult to perform their normal duties at home or work. An experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Gig Harbor could help a client get compensation for all of their physical and emotional injuries. It’s not fair for a victim to have to suffer after they’ve been bitten by an unrestrained dog.

Getting compensation from a homeowner’s insurance policy might not be easy for a dog bite victim without an attorney. Many policies exclude certain breeds of dogs and some will try to protect their own interests at all costs. Anyone who has been injured by a dog that isn’t their own should visit Anthony C Otto to learn about their rights and find out whether filing a lawsuit will help them get the compensation they need to recover both physically, emotionally and financially following this type of accident.

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