Business Fire Protection in Sedalia Enables Employee Safety

by | Jul 20, 2016 | Alarm Systems

Fire prevention for businesses is a big business. States and municipalities have enacted strict standards for workplace safety including fire detection, reporting and evacuation plans. OSHA further requires all businesses employing more than 10 people to have a fire prevention plan that is in writing and available for all employees to read and review.

Major mandatory elements of the plans include:

  • A list of all identified fire hazards
  • A by name list of responsible employees
  • Handling and storage procedures for hazardous materials
  • Type of control equipment and measures for each possible type of fire

These are the major requirements, but not an all-inclusive listing. Local fire inspectors maintain up-to-date plan requirements, which vary slightly from one state and city to another.

Few business owners possess the knowledge to comply with the full set of requirements. Private companies in every locale employ experts who work with the fire departments and inspectors to keep owners current and above all to ensure the safety of the workplace and employees. As a minimum Business Fire Protection in Sedalia, MO systems include hard wired smoke and heat sensors, multiple call and pull stations and sprinkler systems. Fire points have evacuation routes posted prominently, as do corridors and conference areas. Systems are monitored during non-work hours and the fire department called when any alarm is tripped.

The emphasis on fire prevention and detection is a result of statistics which point out that almost five percent of all workplace fatalities across the nation are caused by fires or fire-related actions. Employee safety is considered a right by OSHA and its guidelines are written accordingly. Insurance companies work hand in hand with businesses, contractors, inspectors and appointed fire prevention employees to ensure that all possible precautions are in place to prevent fire.

Choosing the right company for Business Fire Protection in Sedalia is not to be taken lightly. References should be checked, candidate firms interviewed and estimates examined before the final selection is made. One of the companies in Sedalia which installs and maintains fire alarms and surveillance is Nightwatch. Business owners can click here for more info on the products and services offered.

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