4 Ways to use Satellite Radio Advertising Effectively

by | Dec 22, 2014 | Arts Gallery & Entertainment

Satellite radio is a great way to get your name and product out there for customers to hear, especially if you use the right techniques to get the most bang for your buck. It is an affordable method for reaching people around the world as they listen to their favorite programs, and the return on your investment can be quite impressive. The most important thing to remember is that your advertisements need to send a clear message to the right listeners, and be delivered in a way that makes it difficult for them to say no or forget your name. This might sound like a tall order, but with a few simple steps you can increase the chances that your satellite radio advertisements will increase your customers and ultimately, your profits.

1. Get the Message to the Right Listeners. Market research can give you a detailed perspective on your target customers, including information about the kinds of satellite radio stations they are listening to. Armed with this information, you can place your ads on the stations most likely to reach your target audience and know that your name and services or products will be heard by the right people. Advertising is only effective if the right people hear it, so make sure that your ads reach the ears where they will do the most good.

2. Make it Short but Compelling. Lengthy commercials can be effective in the right place, but this usually isn’t radio where less is more. Customers don’t usually want to pay attention to lengthy commercials when they are listening to their favorite stations, so you need to make the message short and sweet. All of the important information needs to be there, and it needs to catch the listeners’ interests, but after that you want to leave it up to them to follow up by contacting you.

3. Make sure Listeners Remember How to Call. If the contact information is only said once, it probably won’t be enough to stay with the listener when the ad is over. Repetition is a well-known method for staying in listener memory, and repeating contact info at least three to five times is a great way to make sure they follow up on your satellite radio ad when they need you.

4. Sweeten the Deal. Even brief commercials have room for you to make an offer that simply can’t be turned down. You can offer discounts, free-trials, rebates, gifts, and more. People love to get free stuff and feel like they are saving money with a great deal, and when you include these in your advertisements people are much more likely to seek you out with the information you provide.

These are four great ways to maximize the efficiency of your satellite radio advertising, and will help you get the most out of your marketing investments.

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