If a homeowner is building a new home and needs to choose a heating system, they should choose a heating system that creates heats using an excellent fuel source. The same is true if the homeowner is planning to replace their existing heating system. When it comes to choosing a heating fuel with plenty of benefits, the homeowner should consider heating with propane gas in Madison.
High Energy
Propane is a high-energy alternative to most types of traditional fuel. Propane has higher octane, and it delivers warmer heat. While an electric heat pump can only heat a bit higher than the normal human body temperature, propane can heat to up to 115 degrees. Also, if the homeowner uses propane to heat their water, it can heat the tank in 20 minutes. It can take an electric water heater over an hour to heat up.
Good For the Environment
One of the best fuels for the environment is propane. This is because it burns cleaner than any other fossil fuel available. Also, it cannot contaminate soil or groundwater.
Propane Is Safe
One of the main reasons homeowners choose propane its safety. Propane tanks are 20 times stronger than gas tanks. This means that a propane tank is more puncture resistant than a gas tank. Also, if there is a propane leak, the homeowner will know because they will notice a rotten egg smell. As long as the homeowner keeps their propane tank in good condition, they shouldn’t have a problem.
A Cost-Effective Option
When it comes to choosing the most cost-effective fuel option, propane is much cheaper than electric. If the homeowner were to use propane rather than electricity to heat their water, they could save up to 30 percent on their electricity bill each year. If they were to install a tankless propane water heater, it would be over 90 percent more efficient than an electric water heater. If they buy a propane dryer, they are buying a dryer that is 50 percent more energy efficient than an electric one.
If a homeowner is installing a new heating system, they should consider one that uses propane gas in Madison. Propane provides many benefits the homeowner cannot get from natural gas or electricity. For more information, visit EastRiverEnergy.com.