Personalizing Cremation Services In Harrison, OH

by | May 14, 2018 | Cremation

If a loved one passed away after a long illness, family members will likely want to commemorate the recently deceased with a cremation service that highlights some of the individual’s talents and accomplishments. The guidelines that follow will assist with planning a special service for the recently departed.

Create A Display With Personal Mementos

Personal items collected throughout a lifetime can create a display that can be used during Cremation Services in Harrison OH. Photographs, trophies, certificates, and other items that represent milestones in the guest of honor’s life can be set on a table that is in the room where a cremation ceremony will be held.

Descriptions of each item can be typed or handwritten on file cards or pieces of cardstock so attendees can read the information provided. If several photographs are going to be shared, they should be placed in an album so the album can be passed around to the attendees.

List Key Accomplishments And Prepare A Biography

If an individual had a lucrative career and accomplished work-related goals and other achievements throughout their lifetime, a biography that includes this information can be prepared. A typed document should be photocopied so each person who attends a service can be provided with one of the copies.

The biographies can be placed in a stack and set on a table that is near the entrance to the room where Cremation Services in Harrison OH are being held. As guests enter the room, they should be instructed to take one of the biographies before seating themselves.

Select A Quote Or Design For An Urn

Before ordering an urn, a quote or design can be selected that will describe the person who has recently passed. If the individual had a specific motto that they used to say, or if they were known for some of their personal characteristics, a statement that describes the motto or characteristics can be engraved on an urn.

A basic design that depicts the individual’s interests or lifestyle can also be added to an urn’s exterior. An urn should be displayed in the front of the room during a ceremony so each guest can view it.

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