Why a Young Driver Will Pay More for an Auto Insurance Policy in Hancock County, Ohio

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Insurance

The cost of auto insurance is concerning for most people, but for young drivers, it may be particularly troubling. A young driver may pay double or more than the average yearly cost of an auto insurance policy in Hancock County Ohio. Here, teens and their parents will learn why they’ll pay more for coverage, and they’ll also learn how to mitigate those expenses.

Young Drivers’ Records are Unproven

Most already know that insurance premiums are partly based on a person’s driving record. Those with relatively clean records typically pay less, while those with checkered pasts pay more. Driving records give insurers a statistical method to analyze a person’s risk and, for young drivers, insufficient history may be a problem. Like most things people do, learning to drive takes practice, effort, and time. When young drivers demonstrate their abilities behind the wheel, they benefit in the form of lower monthly premiums.

Teens Are More Likely to Become Distracted

Distracted driving is a contributing factor to approximately 18% of car crashes, and it may take the form of:

  • Mobile phone use
  • Talking to passengers
  • Looking for something in the car
  • Applying makeup
  • Reading directions
  • Eating or drinking

All these factors may take the driver’s attention from the road, making them more likely to be in an accident. Auto insurers consider these facts when determining a young driver’s premiums. When parents teach their children about the risks of distracted driving, they help the new drivers stay safe and keep a clean driving record.

Education about the dangers of distracted driving is key to helping young drivers not only learn to preserve a good driving record but to keep themselves and others on the road safe.

A Young Driver is More Likely to be In an Accident

Whether it’s because of speeding, bad choices, distraction, or inexperience, it’s a fact that a young driver is more likely to get into an accident. When insurers charge more for a young driver, it’s not discriminatory; it’s based on fact-finding, data, and research. However, by taking safe driving courses and remaining cautious behind the wheel, a young driver and his or her parents can save on an auto insurance policy in Hancock County Ohio.

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