What Makes a Great Web Design? Ask a Web Developer in Seattle

by | Feb 20, 2017 | Website Designer

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, knew a lot about design. He once said, “Design isn’t just what it looks and feels like, design is how it works.” Every experienced Web Developer in Seattle takes this advice to heart. Great web design is a combination of technology, creativity and psychology, based upon some overriding principles.

Bad Web Design Will Hurt Your Business

Poorly designed websites don’t perform as they should. This can be verified by sub-optimal Google Analytics metrics, including high bounce rates, low page views per visit, little time spent on the site and few conversions. Below are a few of the primary principles of effective web design for today’s consumers.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive sites are mobile-friendly. Well over half of all website traffic originates from smartphones, tablets or other mobile devices. Responsive web design allows a website to be visually appealing and function well on whatever mobile device is being used.

Human Psychology

Whether online or in stores, people tend to think the same.

* Credibility and Quality:

* A well-designed website with high-quality content will get a lot of traffic and conversions.

* Scanning Content:

* Online visitors scan instead of reading every word. They subconsciously search for anchors or fixed points which will guide them through the page.

* Immediate Gratification:

* Online visitors demand instant gratification. A site must load quickly and be easy to use with intuitive navigation. The more a web visitor has to think about what to do next, the more likely they are to abandon the site.

* Choosing Quickly:

* Users search for the first reasonable option, not necessarily the best option. The first link that might lead them to their goal is clicked, even if there’s a better choice elsewhere on the page.

* Simplicity

With all that in mind, simplicity should be the overall goal. The user didn’t visit the website to admire the web design. They want the answer to a question right now. Make it as easy as possible for the visitor to achieve their objective. This will result in your company achieving its objectives.

* Fewer choices results in better choices and increased conversions.

* Use both static and video content to focus the user’s attention.

* Keep navigation simple and intuitive.

* Explain features clearly with well-written copy.

Don’t let poor web design hold back your business. Talk to an expert Web Developer in Seattle at Ravenna Interactive about how great web design can improve your bottom line.`

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