Signs a Person Needs Periodontal Treatment in Indianapolis IN

by | Nov 7, 2016 | Dentist

There are millions of people in the United States who suffer from some form of periodontal disease. This is a disorder of the mouth that causes gum inflammation; however, in more serious cases, it can result in serious damage to the bone and soft tissue that supports the teeth. In the absolute worst cases of periodontal disease, a person loses all their teeth.

The mouth is full of bacteria. All these bacteria, along with other particles and mucus, create the colorless, sticky “plaque” on the teeth. Flossing and brushing the teeth regularly help to eliminate the accumulation of plaque. If the plaque is not removed, it may harden and create “tartar,” which brushing is unable to remove. In fact, when it reaches this point, only a dentist can remove the tartar.

If plaque and tartar are left on the teeth for long periods of time, then they will become more harmful and eventually lead to inflammation of the gums. This is referred to as gingivitis and the most mild form of periodontal disease. If a person seeks Periodontal Treatment in Indianapolis IN at this point, they will have a great chance of getting rid of it completely. This type of gum disease does not cause any type of tissue or bone loss.

If a person does not seek periodontal treatment in Indianapolis IN and gingivitis continues to develop, it is likely going to advance to periodontists. This means that there is inflammation around the teeth. When this occurs, the gums begin to pull away from the teeth and spaces are formed that get infected. If this is not treated, then the tissue, gums, and bone is destroyed. As a result, the teeth become loose and either fall out or they have to be removed.

There is no reason to allow the situation to get so bad. Visiting a dentist on a regular basis can prevent these issues. More information about periodontal disease and how it is treated is available when a person contacts the friendly staff at Moore Dentistry, Inc. Being informed and knowing the signs of a problem is the best way to prevent serious oral health issues.

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