Is Laser Therapy Dangerous?

by | Jul 3, 2015 | Dentist

Some of the newest technology that has been introduced into the world of dentistry is the use of low-level lasers to help treat and prevent gum disease. This procedure is actually non-invasive and is used to treat periodontal disease. Some lasers can even be used for root planing and scaling as well.

Can Harm be caused to the Patients?

The answer to this particular question is both yes and no. Every laser that is used in procedures such as these have different power level and wavelengths that help them work properly. Every patient though has different tolerance levels and of course, the soft tissues within their mouths vary as well. Slight damage can be done to the outer tissues areas because lasers are extremely hot regardless of the temperature setting. Some inflammation is expected to occur but the healing process is much quicker than it would be if oral surgery was performed differently. If for some reason the settings are not set properly during the procedure, the laser could cause long-term damaging effects as well.

Insurance Coverage

Some people may be concerned whether their insurance will cover laser therapy. Insurance companies do vary but there is no cause for concern, just because a laser is being used instead of the regular utensils. The insurance companied are more concerned about paying for the procedure that is being performed rather than the utensils that are used to perform them.

What Lasers are Being Used For

There are dental offices that do not utilize lasers to perform certain procedures, this does differ from office to office but for those who are questioning what lasers are being used for; there is a variety of answers.

Biopsies: lasers can be used to perform biopsies, which is the removal of a small amount of tissue that can be further examined for things such as cancer and so forth. The mouth is a breeding ground or bacteria to grow in and lesions can be something to look out for.

Tooth whitening: the bleaching solution that is used I the dental offices are light and/or laser sensitive. The lasers are utilized to speed up the process offering optimal results in a fraction of the time.

Gum disease:

For those who suffer from gum disease, lasers are used to ‘cut’ and reshape the gum line whilst removing bacteria.

Laser therapy can greatly enhance healing times during periodontal procedures but they also help minimize the widow for human error to occur. They are extremely precise and work quickly – therefore helping patients feel more at ease about the procedure they are about to endure. For more information contact Cascades Center For Dental Health. You can like them on Facebook.

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