Is Dog Day Care in Alexandria VA Right For Your Dog?

by | Jun 1, 2016 | Veterinarians

Dog Day Care in Alexandria VA is becoming more and more popular for busy pet parents that cannot spend all day with their four-legged fur-babies. Dog day care helps not only keep dogs out of mischief, but gives them lots to do so they will be distracted from missing you. However, not all dogs are a good for dog day care. Sitename lists some points to consider before dragging your dog to doggy day care.

Is Your Dog Neutered?

Many Dog Day Care in Alexandria VA facilities only accept neutered dogs into their grounds. Entire dogs tend to be more aggressive and prone to wandering in search of mates. Unspayed females that go into heat will drive even neutered males practically insane with excitement.

Is Your Dog Well Socialized?

At dog day care, your dog will spend a lot of time with different dogs and different people. If your dog is not socialized, then please do not bring your dog to a canine day care program. A dog that is terrified of other people or dogs or who becomes highly aggressive at a dog day care center is just an accident and a possible lawsuit waiting to happen.

Is Your Dog Up To Date On Vaccinations?

Most good dog day care centers require all of the dogs on the premises to be current in their vaccinations, especially for rabies. Leptospirosis and kennel cough. You may be required to provide a certificate of vaccination from your veterinarian.

Is Your Dog In Good Health?

Before you take your dog to day care, talk to your veterinarian about how much of a health risk your dog is to other dogs. For example, if your dog is suffering from a ringworm infection, your dog should not go to doggy day care since ringworm is highly contagious to people and pets. Dogs with special needs such as epileptic dogs should also not go to a dog day care as they require too much supervision and separation from other dogs if they should have a seizure.

Is Your Dog Too Into You?

Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety will not be distracted enough by the dog day care in order to benefit from it. They will be so upset that they could become sick or aggressive. Talk to your vet about treating separation anxiety in your dog. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.

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