You only get one chance to enjoy your senior prom so if you want it to turn out to be something special, something you will never forget then making sure you have chosen the right luxury limo service in NYC is equally as important as the tuxedo you rented for the occasion.
A great luxury limo service is one that takes pride in their vehicles and their drivers. When you rent a limo the price is usually based on the number of hours you plan on using it as well as the vehicle, the going price of fuel and any extras that you might opt for. One thing is very sure, there is no safer way for you and your date to get to and from the prom, they are also ideal when you and your friends want to head to a local sporting event or to travel to a from your best friend’s wedding. Most luxury limos are completely equipped with televisions, DVD players; a wet bar and tinted windows to ensure your privacy.
A luxury limo service in NYC can provide you with a limo for any occasion but there are a couple of good reasons why they are used for special occasions such as your prom. If you expect that you will drink alcohol then you know that you will not risk anyone’s life as you will not be driving and drinking, and another real reason is that arriving in a limo is just plain “cool.” You cannot fool your parents, they know what you are likely to get up to on your prom night so wise parents often take the lead and arrange the limo just to make sure that their kids and their friends arrive back home safe and sound from any after-party they attend. Limo drivers are adept at following the instructions laid down by the parents who rent the limo, if the parents don’t want drinking or smoking in the car the driver will see to it that these things don’t take place and it will be done with tact.
The price you pay for a luxury limo service in NYC varies based on a number of factors. The primary factor of course is the time the car will be rented but the price also takes into account fuel and travel distance. Many limo companies include the driver’s gratuity in the bill; this removes the possible embarrassment of tipping too much or too little.
For any occasion; a prom, wedding or any other special day or night out people want to arrive in style and there is no better way to do it than in a luxury limo.
There will probably be many opportunities arise when you will want to arrange for luxury limo service in NYC to make the occasion all that much more special. For courteous, professional service you are invited to contact Alpine Limousine Service.