A Furnace Contractor in Grandville MI Can Be Part of a Person’s Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle

by | Jun 14, 2017 | HVAC Contractor

A furnace contractor in Grandville MI encourages customers to take effective actions that keep the equipment running as efficiently as possible so they use less natural gas or liquid propane gas (LPG). Rural residents commonly must fuel their furnaces with propane because they cannot access the municipal natural gas supply. Greater furnace efficiency and lower energy usage keeps utility bill costs lower and is better for the environment.

Natural gas is acquired by drilling, whereas propane is derived from both crude oil and natural gas. Both types of gas thus require drilling to obtain. Since oil and natural gas are fossil fuels and are finite in quantity, there is a risk that one day the supplies will run out. As one oil or natural gas well becomes depleted, more land and offshore sites must be explored and drilled. All of this involves the potential for pollution-causing activity and accidents. The quest for oil has led to debacles such as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and the Exxon Valdez disaster. In addition, both types of fuel emit some amount of carbon dioxide as they burn in furnaces. They also contain the greenhouse gas known as methane. Those factors may contribute to the problem of climate change. For furnace efficiency, people should use strategies like changing the air filter as recommended, having the equipment cleaned and maintained annually, and keeping the thermostat set relatively low.

Solar power has less of an impact on the environment, but not everyone is able to convert their home to renewable energy and use only that for heat. Wood stoves eliminate or drastically reduce the need for fossil fuel consumption in furnaces, but burning wood comes with its own environmental issues. Stove chimneys emit smoke and particulates into the air, and the equipment is recognized as significantly worse for air pollution than gas furnaces are. Most people in the Midwest rely on natural gas or propane furnaces for heat, and they need a Furnace Contractor in Grandville MI who provides installation, maintenance, and repair service. Contact Kroll Furnace Co Inc for assistance to make an appointment for any of these types of services.

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