Live or Work in Comfort Using Quality Air Conditioners in San Marcos

by | Oct 26, 2015 | HVAC

People today enjoy a lot of conveniences, from appliances that clean clothes to the devices that heat and cool a home. In fact, Air Conditioners in San Marcos are the most common way to cool many homes and businesses. This is especially beneficial with the heavily insulated buildings that have been designed to prevent the leakage of treated air. However, there are a number of air conditioning types available, and selecting the right size and options could be confusing. If the AC installation is a new one, then it might be best to consider the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system. This combined appliance handles both heating and cooling so the indoor temperature is always comfortable.

One alternative to the HVAC is a ductless or split AC. This system is designed to cool several areas to user-selected temperatures. Most installations, such as houses, need about four zones while a business may use the maximum of eight per condenser. One benefit to split Air Conditioners in San Marcos is the ability to save money by not cooling the whole building to the same temperature. Using the split AC may take a little planning so that the various zones will provide the expected coverage.

No matter which type of air conditioner you use, it will need regular maintenance and inspections. This is true for all air conditioners, even the small units designed to fit in a window. Of course, there is little to do for them except clean away the grime. An experienced AC technician can clean, test, and repair your HVAC or other cooling appliance for peak efficiency, and this maintenance should be performed at least once each year.

One area that often needs a little extra effort is the evaporator coil. This coil generates moisture as a result of the cooling stage. Mix this moisture with the gunk that isn’t caught in the filter system and grime can build up around the coil. The technician can remove the coil and wash it in an acid bath so the coil will present a cold surface to any air flowing over it. To learn more about air conditioning, visit the experts at website or their Facebook page.

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