Territory Marking: How to Clean These Problem Spots

by | Aug 6, 2015 | Pets

One of the little talked about joys of having a male dog, particularly those who are not neutered or were neutered late, is marking. Often this annoying habit leaves little puddles of urine in some of the oddest locations in your home:

1. Doorways
2. Stairwells
3. Table Legs
4. Furniture
5. Beds
6. Crates

This is a sign of possession and the dog clearly stating that “This is my area!  Stay away!” It is also a way for dogs who suffer separation anxiety to ensure that the house smells familiar which will help ease their anxiety. Regardless of the cause, this embarrassing behavior can be difficult to curb and can often lead to the destruction of carpet, fabrics, wood or other items not to mention the smell. Understand the behavior, learn how to clean these areas, and where to buy these pet products in Ft. Lauderdale!

To deal with the behavior, finding out the cause is important. If your dog is not neutered, then consider doing that as well as this will often reduce the dog’s need to mark their territory. Once the cause has been determined, working with a trainer will help continue to make progress.

In the meantime, you have some areas of the house that are in desperate need of some deep cleaning. It is important to ensure that whatever cleanser you use removes 100% of the smell as this can trigger a relapse in the dog’s negative behavior. By removing this scent completely, you are reducing the risk for a re-offense.  Check for these types of pet products in Ft. Lauderdale at your local pet stores.  These stores will carry products specifically for urine stain and scent removal.

The easiest home solution is a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water. While effective, this mixture does not normally work on old stains or smells. For older stains or ones that are particularly saturated, there are products that contain enzymes that effectively break up the urine and, therefore, remove not only the stain but the smell as well. These enzyme cleaners are available at many stores that sell pet products in Ft. Lauderdale.

Using products that contain ammonia just enhances the smell of the urine which reinforces the behavior and should be avoided.

After blotting away the majority of the area and removing as much urine as possible, apply the cleaner according to the directions on the package. Often this involves saturating the area and waiting a set amount of time. Once the time is up, it is important to clean up this solution. You can continue to clean the area until the paper towels come back clean.  Once dried, the smell and stain should be completely removed – leaving one less place for your dog to mark!

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