How You May be Enabling Your Loved One’s Addiction after Their Time in Alcohol Treatment Centers

by | Jan 7, 2015 | Health Care

When you have a loved one who suffers from addiction and seeks treatment from alcohol treatment centers in Utah, such as Alpine Recovery Lodge, you will likely do everything possible to support and help them. After all, you are doing this to try and preserve your family and protect your loved one who is suffering from the addiction. However, during this support, you may also be inadvertently enabling their addiction habit. In order for someone to actually recover from an addiction, they must be responsible and learn to live as a sober individual. Some ways that you may be enabling them to continue their addiction behaviors are found here.

Covering at Work

One of the biggest ways that you may be enabling your loved one’s addiction is by calling in sick for them when they are strung out or hung over. While you may be doing this in an effort to protect their job for one more day, you may also be prolonging the recovery for the person.

Providing Them with Money

If you provide an addict with money for groceries, rent or even bail, you are giving them a reason to continue using their substance of choice. They do not have to be responsible or worry about themselves, which are important concepts taught in alcohol treatment centers in Utah, such as Alpine Recovery Lodge.

Fixing their Messes

Broken relationships, vomit everywhere and empty liquor bottles are not your problem to fix. If you are constantly cleaning up the messes for the addict in your life, then you will prevent them from being able to face the consequences that are caused by addiction. Another important skill that is learned in alcohol treatment centers in Utah is to be responsible for the things you do and take care of yourself. If you are doing all this for the addict, they will not be able to perform these important, life restoring tasks.

Acting Like it is Not a Problem

If you put on a smile to your co-workers, friends, kids and other family members and pretend that there is not an issue, then you are allowing the addicted individual to continue down the path of addiction with no foreseeable consequences.

When an addict utilizes the program offering alcohol treatment at Alpine Recovery Lodge in Utah, they will learn the skills necessary to live their life without the substance they have been addicted to. It is your job to ensure they are held accountable for the actions they take, which is the only way that they will continue to live a sober life.

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