Call a Child Custody Lawyer in Winnebago County IL for Custody Exchange Advice

by | Aug 29, 2017 | Lawyers

Most divorces come with traces of resentment and hostility; after all, if there was none, the marriage likely wouldn’t have ended. While some marriages end and exes never see one another again, that’s impossible when children are involved. In this guide, parents can learn several ways to keep custody exchanges as civil and hassle-free as possible.

Exchanges by a Babysitter

In a contentious custody arrangement, the more exes see one another, the greater the potential for conflict. There are ways to exchange custody without face-to-face contact, and one easy way to do it is to perform the exchange at a babysitter’s house or a childcare facility. While these arrangements may come with some kinks, they work well once scheduling conflicts are ironed out.

School Drop-Offs and Pickups

Similar to the above example, parents can use their children’s schools as pick-up and drop-off points. This can enable parents to avoid seeing one another any more than is necessary, and it reduces the need to call a Child Custody Lawyer in Winnebago County IL for dispute resolution.

Exchanges in Public

Most people are reluctant to make a scene in a public place. If exes can’t do a custody exchange without a fight, they should consider meeting in a public place such as a restaurant, coffee shop or even a police station. When exchanges happen in public, both sides are more likely to be on their best behavior.

Bring a Witness

While most people are reluctant to start trouble in public, they’re also averse to doing it in front of people they know. A third-party witness can help facilitate smooth custody exchanges, particularly if they have a relationship with both parents. However, bringing along a new significant other may not be the best option as it can trigger lingering resentment.

For the children’s sake, as well as a parent’s own, it’s important to try to make each custody exchange as smooth and conflict-free as possible. With planning, efficiency and emotional restraint, parents and a Child Custody Lawyer in Winnebago County IL can make things healthier for all involved. Learn more about The Crosby Law Firm by calling the office or visiting the website to schedule a consultation.

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