Who Needs Geriatric Home Care?

by | Dec 5, 2016 | Healthcare

There have been some debate the last several years over just when “old age” begins, and when is a person considered geriatric. It seems that age 65 has been the retirement age for collecting Social Security, but now that has been bumped up to 67. Several news services have been taking it as far as 67 or 70. So, just when is it that we are considered old enough to need geriatric home care?

Age Doesn’t Really Matter

There really is no particular age when a person may begin to see a geriatric physician. It seems that “elderly” or “geriatric” depends more on the person and their particular health situation. One person at 67 may have great health and mobility, while another may be suffering from severe arthritis and be confined most of the time to a wheelchair.

The Difference between an Adult Doctor and a Geriatrician

We may not really think about it, but our bodies hold reserves that it can pull from during times of stress. As we get older, those reserves get depleted and in old age, they may no longer exist at all. A geriatrician is specialized in determining what conditions are caused by an actual disease as opposed to what happens as a result of the normal aging process. If you begin seeing a geriatrician, you are probably at a point in your life when you need help at home taking care of daily tasks and can benefit from geriatric home care.

When You Need In-Home Care

For most of us, as we age, we simply begin to have problems doing the everyday things that used to be easy and we need help. If you live in the Washington, D.C. area and neighboring communities, Capital City Nurses has the geriatric home care that you need to make your life easier. Contact them today at 866 807-7307. You can connect with them on Google+ for more news!

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