When Should You Contact A Roofer In Orland Park?

by | Feb 17, 2015 | Roofing

Your roof’s health is very important to the well being of your entire home. When there is a problem with your roof, you risk having a leak in your home, which can cause structural damage, and damage to your belongings. Because your roof’s health is so important, you should be able to recognize a problem, so that you can contact a Roofer in Orland Park to have it repaired.

Missing Shingles

The shingles are what keeps water from leaking into your home. When you are missing shingles, it creates a point for water to enter the home. Shingles can come off the roof for a few reasons, including age, ice, and wind. If you have missing shingles, they should replaced right away.

Decaying Shingles

Decaying shingles can cause serious problems with your roof. When your shingles are decaying, they will not always fall off. When it rains, water will build up underneath the shingle, causing mold to develop. If you have decaying shingles on your roof, you should contact a Roofer in Orland Park immediately. The longer you wait, the worse the mold problem will become.

Granules in Gutters and Downspouts

Granules are the tiny black dots on a shingle. They protect the shingle from the heat and the sun, which causes cracks in the shingle. When the granules fall off, usually due to age and weather, the shingle is susceptible to cracking. If you notice granules in your gutters and downspouts, it is a good idea to contact a professional roofer. They can assess the extent of the damage, and can let you know whether you should replace a few shingles or the entire roof.

Damaged Flashing

Your roof’s flashing is what connects the joints on your roof. For example, the part of the roof where the chimney meets the roof itself is connected with flashing. It is made of a very thin metal. When the flashing is damaged, it can cause a leak in your home. If your flashing is damaged, you should have it repaired as soon as possible to prevent any further problems.

Being able to recognize problems with your roof is important. If you believe you have a problem, you should contact a professional roofer immediately. The sooner you have your roof repaired, the better. learn more here.

Roofer in Orland Park

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