Keep Your Pet Clean and Healthy: Dog Grooming in Bowie

by | Oct 13, 2015 | Animal health, Animal hospital, Veterinarian

Responsible pet owners take great care of their pets. They make annual appointments for check-ups and shots. They ensure their dogs get plenty of exercises and even attend dog training to ensure proper doggy manners. However, many pet owners do not realize that regular grooming is also an important part of their dog’s overall care routine. Dog Grooming in Bowie can keep your pet looking pretty and feeling their best.

A Happy Pet Smells Clean and Fresh

Too much bathing can be just as bad as not enough. Pets should be bathed regularly, but not enough to dry out their skin or strip it of needed oils. Professional grooming can ensure that proper products, specially designed for different breeds and skin conditions are used.

Prevent Hotspots and Sores

Long hair can hide snarls, foreign objects, and even open wounds. Matted hair can become so tight that it creates open sores and cause infection and discomfort. Hotspots caused by aggravated licking can become infected and require trips to the vet and medication. Proper and regular grooming helps prevent such skin irritations.

Keep Ears in Shape

Dogs of all types need their ears cleaned regularly to prevent infection. Dogs with longer ears such as basset hounds and beagles are especially susceptible to ear issues. While there are over the counter cleaners available, they are not as effective as having ears cleaned by a professional groomer.

Nails Need Regular Trimming

Dog’s nails grow much like human fingernails. Overgrown nails can become painful or run the risk of being accidentally pulled out. Regular trimming keeps nails in check and reduces the risk of pets developing foot issues. Since the quick in a dogs nails can be cut during trimming, it is better to use a professional trained in Dog Grooming in Bowie to trim nails.

Clean from Top to Bottom

One of the most unpleasant grooming tasks involves expressing a dog’s anal glands. While a majority of owners find this task less than enjoyable, it is important to a dog’s health and cleanliness. Overfilled anal glands can become impacted, infected, and leak creating more work and issues for both pet and owner.

Dental hygiene should not be overlooked. Clean teeth and gums can help ensure that a dog has the ability to eat well and help prevent unwanted infection.

Check out the groomers at to see what professional grooming can offer a pet.

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