Appealing A Denial Of VA Benefits

by | Jul 18, 2017 | Attorney

After suffering a disability as a result of your service you might think that claiming and being granted disability benefits would be straight forward, unfortunately this is not the case. A considerable percentage of disabled veterans find that their claim is disallowed, at which time they are faced with having to appeal to the DVA. To ensure your appeal is handled correctly it is always a good idea to hire lawyers for disabled veterans.

Although there are many reasons given for a denial of claim, the most common are:

  • A dispute whether there actually is a disability
  • Agreement that there is a disability but disagreement that it is related to your service, and
  • The level of disability

Preparing to appeal a denial of claim:

As there are a number of reasons why a claim might be denied, target your appeal to include detailed evidence on that issue alone. If you and your lawyers agree with a part of the decision that was made there is absolutely no need to rehash that again. You will help your cause considerably by being very specific on that which you take exception to.

If, for example, the VA agrees that you are disabled but they dispute the fact that it is service related seek a medical opinion that shows the connection. You can also call on people that you served with that can concur with your contention.

In many cases the disagreement lies with the rating that you are given by the VA. Your lawyers for disabled veterans will be in a position to get a copy of your treatment records and physicians reports. If the reports don’t seem to reflect your actual condition, ask the VA doctors to reexamine you.

The VA asks for a great deal of information, date and evidence before they rate your disability. Providing everything they need often makes the difference between acceptance and denial of your claim.

Lawyers for disabled veterans can help you get the disability benefits that you deserve. If you are experiencing problems with your claim you are invited to contact Jackson & MacNichol, Attorneys at Law.

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