6 Water Pressure-Related Reasons to Call a Plumbing Contractor in Bartlett TN

by | May 16, 2017 | Plumbing

Everyone has experienced the aggravation and disappointment that comes with taking a low-pressure shower. In most cases, issues occur because two different plumbing fixtures are being used at the same time, but it can happen for other reasons as listed below.

Mineral or Debris Buildup

Pollutants, sand, dirt, and minerals can gather inside the home’s pipes and adversely affect water flow. Even a little debris can create a serious blockage, and these deposits are common in older homes and those that have galvanized piping.

Water Leaks

A pipe that is damaged is highly susceptible to leaks, which can result in diminished water pressure. If a homeowner believes they have a water leak, they should shut off all the taps inside and outside the home. Read the water meter, and check it again in a couple of hours. If the meter has gone up, there may be a leak that a Plumbing Contractor Bartlett TN can fix.

Neighbors’ Usage

If a person takes a shower at about the same time as his or her neighbors, they may notice reduced water pressure. Making minor changes to one’s bathing schedule can solve the problem in these cases.

Pressure Regulation

A plumbing system’s water pressure regulator is typically preset at the factory. However, if it fails, it can have negative effects on a home’s water pressure. Call a plumber for help with water pressure regulation.

Municipal Supply Issues

Water pressure worries could be due to problems with the area’s water supply and, in these cases, they can affect a wide area. Call the local utility company to see if there are any issues with the municipal water supply.


If a valve is inadvertently turned off, it can affect water pressure throughout the home. Check the customer valve (which is usually located in the meter box) and home valve (near the hose bib) to ensure they’re turned on.

Calling a Plumbing Contractor Bartlett TN is the best way to resolve water pressure problems. The experts at Drain Go Plumbing can provide a variety of services including sewer line and drain cleaning, plumbing repairs, and more. Reach them by phone or browse website for more information.

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